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Why There Are No Guns From UsedGuns

Unfortunately, while justice is blind, it is expensive to achieve.

A while ago we were contacted by UsedGuns saying that we were trying to deceive people into thinking that we were affiliated with usedGuns and were breaking their copyright.

Despite reducing the information on our site so that it was less than the result of a google search, their legal bullying continued with a letter from their lawyers saying that we appear to obviously be breaking their copyright and Australian Company Law(?).

While we do not concede that we breached any copyright, or ever tried to convince people we were usedGuns, the law often comes down to who has more money.

Unfortunately for UsedGuns customers, UsedGuns is more concerned with showing site visitors ads than helping to sell their sellers guns.
As you’ll see on our site, we don’t have any ads, you can’t even donate to us. We do this to help people find the gun they’re looking for, instead of having to scroll through 100 pages of poorly formatted listings over multiple sites.

So, we’ve removed the UsedGuns links from our pages until we can arrange our own legal representation. This is not an admission of guilt, merely a risk mitigation strategy.

I should add that his lawyer Ian was professional and courteous.

First email
My First Response
Their response
My Final Unanswered response

Cease & Desist Letter